Whangarei Tours
Whangarei in Northland is a unique place, we offer personal tours - also available in German.
Wendy will guide you to the best sights of Whangarei where you will learn about the amazing New Zealand bush with its unique plants and animals. Hear about the history of Whangarei and its settlement by Maori and Europeans. A standard tour is 2 hours with a minimum of 2 people per tour, $45 per person.
“Wendy is a great guide who instinctively knows what tourists would be interested in. She also asks participants to tell her which aspect of the tour they are particularly interested in, so she can tailor her talk to suit requirements. It was such a nice touch to be offered a cup of local leaf tea to end the tour. Thanks, G from New Zealand”
“Es hat viel Spass mit Euch gemacht, Ihr habt mir mit grosser Begeisterung Whangarei gezeigt. Dir Wendy danke ich für die Tourenführung, dass ich an Deinem grossen Wissen über NZ teilhaben durfte. Es ist Dir gelungen, mich für die Schönheiten dieses Landes zu begeistern. S aus Basel”
“Your knowledge of the Northland area, New Zealand and the world has been exactly what we needed! B&D from Alberta Canada, now Wellington”
“Es war wirklich schön mit Euch 2 Tage in Whangarei zu verbringen. Die Tage wo Wendy mir die Stadt und alles gezeigt hat werd ich wohl immer in guter Erinnerung behalten. Weiterhin alles Gute, R aus Kapstadt”
“B and I went on this local tour on top of Parihaka. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. I have been living here for the last 26 years and B for all his life and we learnt a lot about the history of this hill. It was really fascinating. A from Whangarei"
“Wendy is a great guide who instinctively knows what tourists would be interested in. She also asks participants to tell her which aspect of the tour they are particularly interested in, so she can tailor her talk to suit requirements. It was such a nice touch to be offered a cup of local leaf tea to end the tour. Thanks, Wendy! G from Whangarei"
"Very informative and comfortable. Wendy gives just enough information to digest and learn from, but is also expert enough to answer any questions that arise during her Whangarei tour / presentation. Highly recommended! M from Canada”
"I want to say how much I enjoyed the little guided tour Wendy took me the other day. It offered a lot, in a relatively small window of time. Insights into what's currently happening here, and a bit about the local flora too! Wendy entertained us with interesting snippets of information pertaining to all sorts of fascinating things. From the history of Maori settlements and the movement of their people in and through the district, to how Whangarei was later colonised and by who. What Wendy imparted to us was filled with colourful little tidbits and identitying certain plants and their uses. Wendy delivered her information, thoughts and experiences with a sense of honouring and humility, and mixed with a good sense of humour too! Finishing with a cup of tea, harvested from the bush and made on location was the icing on the cake! Thanks so much for this lovely experience Wendy! L from New Zealand"
“Wendy's guided tours of Whangarei are brilliant and gave us a good feel for Maori culture and development. R&J from London"
“A guided trip with Wendy is a must. She knows so much and can show you so many details it's just amazing. R&K from Switzerland”
"I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found the tour very interesting and informative. I feel you did a brilliant job. Your knowledge and enthusiasm about Maori culture came over loud and clear and you deserve to do well in this area of work. I would certainly recommend to all. L from Scotland"
Maori flax weaving (private weaving lessons are available on request):
More information on www.whangareitours.co.nz